Save A Life

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Urgent Projects

Only 32% of SCA victims receive bystander CPR and only 2% are treated with AEDs. 

When SCA victims are treated quickly (CPR & AED use), survival rates increase to 38%.  For every minute without CPR and defibrillation, the SCA victim's chance of survival decreases by 7-10%.

Help save a life today!

The Adam Greenlee Foundation's Mission is to raise awareness about Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) and to raise funds to support the availability of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to youth sports teams and other groups.

After suffering an SCA on January 7, 2014, Adam Jr. made the statement that he wanted to set an example for others by continuing to chase his dreams...DREAM ON!

Our Mission

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Your donation will    help fund the purchase of AEDs to battle Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Dream On

Keep Dreaming

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Keep the Dream Alive

            The Adam Greenlee Foundation


In the United States alone, approximately 424,000 people experience a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) each year.  9 out of 10 victims do not survive and the number of deaths attributable to SCAs each year is roughly equivalent to the number of deaths from Alzheimers, assault with firearms, Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Diabetes, HIV, house fires, motor vehicle accidents, Prostate Cancer, and Suicides COMBINED!

  "Dream On"- Keeping Kids' Dreams Alive